War in Heaven, London
Pavilion, Project Team: René van Zuuk, Jan Heimer, Dirk de Groot, Design: 2014, Floor area: 60 m²
"Then war broke out in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven. The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him." Revelation 12.7.
The shape of the pavilion has its origin in the battle between good and evil, dating from ancient times until today. It is a theme that has been used in many ancient tales and manuscripts and occurs in all religions. Good always wins and can keep its place in heaven, next to God. Evil is banned from heaven and cast back to Earth. In the pavilion, good and evil are symbolized by angels and devils, in a way that the devils are forced down to earth in the form of devil-shaped columns, and the angels rise to heaven in the form of angel shaped highlights. The ''battle'' between good and evil can be seen in the spot that the columns (devils) haven't reached the ground yet (earth). They leave an open space, creating a place for meetings and lectures.
We aimed to construct a pavilion from reused EPS, cut with a computer-controlled hot wire. ''War in Heaven'' was parametrically designed on the computer, using a Grasshopper script to design a pavilion that can be cut out of one single block of reused EPS (7.75x7.75x0.4m), without leaving any waste material. The pavilion is made out of ten layers. At the bottom layer, the structure starts with the columns in the form of devils. Going up, the devils gradually transform into the angels located in the top layer. All layers are cut in one slice. The rear surface of the wall of the lower ring is the front surface of the wall of the layer above. The thickness of the wall is variable to enable twisted surfaces. All the layers are glued together with hot spray. For the EPS finishing, nacre coating is used, white on the inside, and anthracite on the outside. The columns are filled with sand to protect the pavilion from lifting due to the wind.