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National History Museum, Almere

Museum, Almere NL, Team: René van Zuuk, Fardy Holtkamp, Marijn van de Dool, Peter Hagelaar, Client: Municipality of Almere, Design: 2007, Area: 10.870 m², Volume: 55.000 m³

The Dutch government wished to build a new museum that would showcase dutch history. Several cities have shown interest in this project, including Den Haag, Amsterdam and Almere. This proposal is the design proposition commissioned by the city of Almere.

Almere, the youngest city in the Netherlands, was built on new ground reclaimed from the sea. With its fresh soil and relatively short history, it offers the ideal location for a museum that will treat history as it is supposed to be treated, with objectivity and clarity. Time has not yet left its mark on Almere, and the spatial possibilities are countless.

To stress that clarity, the building is actually placed in the water, to appear independent and detached from the mainland.. That's why it's placed off the coast of Almere Pampus. The National Historic Museum stands alone in the water, appearing detached from the ground, and, metaphorically, from any biases.

The museum rests on the coast of Almere, at times flickering in the water, or partially covered in clouds. It is a mystical object, conveying tension and dynamism. The captivating shape attracts the curiosity of the visitor and leads him from the mainland to a voyage into history. With every step, one gets more and more entangled in the web of Dutch heritage. The building, filled with knowledge, has left the mainland to review the country and its history from a distance. The museum's dynamic shape is unusual but its theatrical appearance establishes it, as a national landmark.

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