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Hoekenrode, Amsterdam

Pavilion, Restaurant, Amsterdam NL, Project Team: René van Zuuk, Kersten Scheller, Ferdy Holtkamp, Client: ING, Design: 2007,

The project plot is located in Bijlmer, one of Amsterdam's outer districts. The plot is on a rectangular square, next to Bijlmer's new railway station, and pinpoints the intersection of two pedestrian axes. Due to their positioning and shape, the two pavilions guide the pedestrians on their way from the new train station, towards Bijlmer's shopping district.

The design process started by drawing two ellipse shapes on the urban canvas. By altering the primitive forms into two circles, a more efficient structure was created, which renders the repetition of horizontal and facade elements possible.

The existing buildings around the square are fairly monotonous and introverted, creating a bland atmosphere. This impression is conversed by creating a bold, open and inviting pavilion, complimenting its final use, a space for recreation and dining.

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